Vision for Media – Organizations

Project Peace On Earth

“We are all interconnected. The science is clear. The task
before us now is to become aware and intentional — to embrace an
integrated humanity which cherishes the earth and each other. It is time
for songs of love and compassion inspiring us to be one. Project Peace
On Earth (PPOE) is gathering the musicians and composing the score.”
Dr. Roger Nelson, The Global Consciousness

Project Peace on Earth organizes international peace initiatives that consist of developing and producing inspirationally transformational music concerts and workshops, medical missions, aerial art and fine art events/exhibits, social awareness promotional bus tours and lecture series, cause oriented high school and college campus awareness/media events, dance performance /events, video and films, social media and engagement activities towards the end goals of:
1) Empowering inner peace through sacred music, joyous live experiences, spiritually illuminated: writing, videos, practices and disciplines.
2) Fostering the process of forgiveness and the active realization of compassion with the self and all others.
3) Inspiring the recognition of shared interests, commonalities of goodness and the message of love inherent to all religious/spiritual teachings.
4) Increasing empathy and communication skills through “walk in the other person’s shoes” experiences.
5) Producing large scale and worldwide multimedia events that utilize perennial wisdoms to evoke the humanitarian, political and spiritual realization that ”All Are One and Lovingly Connected”.