Vision for Family & Community – Organizations

With the view of making everyone more visible in our society, Vision for Humanity is proud to be supporting the following organisations and their endeavours:

Kidscan is working towards eliminating child poverty in our very own country- New Zealand, click here to see the extent of their work.

KidsCan Mission

To meet the physical and nutritional needs of Kiwi kids less fortunate than others so they can be more engaged in their education and have a better chance of reaching their potential in life.

KidsCan Vision

KidsCan vision is of a New Zealand where less fortunate children have an equal opportunity to make a positive contribution to society.

The Kidscan Mission and Vision resonates well with the VFH Vision for Family and Community of enabling people to participate more equally together, where every body is ‘Visible’.

We have chosen to support Kidscan “Shoes for Kiwi Kids” program. With this program, KidsCan provides free quality footwear and socks for children who come to school in winter without footwear or with shoes that are in bad condition. So far more than 40,000 pairs of shoes and 80,000 pairs of socks have been given to children throughout New Zealand.

Massey University research findings show there are positive effects of children receiving shoes, particularly in relation to increasing their ability to participate at a level equal to their peers. This increased participation also positively impacts on children’s physical health. The effect on self esteem and pride is also notable, particularly when the children are first given their brand new pair of shoes. For many children it is the first pair they have ever owned and they can’t quite believe they are allowed to keep them.‘Shoes for Kids’ is of significant benefit to disadvantaged children as it contributes to a schools’ ability to create a culture of caring, where they feel valued and have a sense of belonging. It is this type of environment that enhances the likelihood of children being able to thrive and succeed at school. This aspect of the programme makes it stand out as a great success.

Get involved here: Vision Products and chose to donate 15% of your purchase to KidsCan. Approximately every $135.00 dollars spent at Vision Products buys a pair of shoes and two pairs of socks for a child.

At Vision for Humanity we see animal as part of our vision for family and community.  That’s why we support The Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA).

In the theme of ‘Visibility’ we focus on two projects particularly:

  • “One of the Family”, this project is an educational project whose aim is to teach school children kindness and compassion through interactions involving  the care for  animals, in order to bring about a kinder, safer society for people and animals alike.
  • “Outreach Therapy Pets”, this program involves volunteers and their pets visiting rest homes, hospitals and other health services in order to soothe the emotional needs of elderly people. It’s a joint initiative between St John and the SPCA Auckland.

The mission of the SPCA is to advance the welfare of all animals:

Preventing cruelty to animals
Alleviating suffering of animals
Promoting policies through education and advocacy

Every year, SPCA Centres around the country receive:

60,000 animals through their doors
14,000 animal welfare complaints, with many requiring return or follow-up visits

Linkages: Why are animals such a vital part of our greater family and community and therefore need to be visible? Animals have been known to have:

A positive impact on prison Inmate.

When animal training programs in correctional facilities are implemented, there are positive emotional outcomes and positive practical outcomes for inmate trainers who work with dogs in those training programs.
Positive emotional outcomes for inmate trainers include the following: (a) providing social support, (b) gaining a sense of pride, (c) serving as a feeling of giving back to society, (d) increasing personal patience, (e) humanizing the inmate trainers, and (f) improving self -esteem.
Positive practical outcomes for inmate trainers emerged in the following areas: (a) improving responsibility, (b) having a positive impact on the prison environment, (c) providing opportunities to help others, (d) using goal setting, (e) gaining employability skills, and (e) having a positive effect on behavior.

Find more information in the “case study of incarcerated males participating in a canine training program” by Nikki S. CURRIE from the Kansas State University.
Or read an article about the The Puppies in Prison Programme at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility.

Benefits to elderly persons (versus non-pet owners).

– Pets lower blood pressure and pulse rate
– 21% fewer visits to the doctor
– Less depression
– Easier to make friends (enhanced social opportunities)
– Seniors become more active
– Pets offer affection and unconditional love
– Pets ease loss of a loved one
– Pets fight loneliness
– Seniors take better care of themselves
– Sense of security

Benefits to children raised with pets.

Developing positive feelings about pets can contribute to a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.  Positive relationships with pets can aid in the development of trusting relationships with others.  A good relationship with a pet can also help in developing non-verbal communication, compassion, and empathy.

Pets can serve different purposes for children:
– They can be safe recipients of secrets and private thoughts–children often talk to their pets, like they do their stuffed animals.
– They provide lessons about life; reproduction, birth, illnesses, accidents, death, and bereavement.
– They can help develop responsible behavior in the children who care for them.
– They provide a connection to nature.
– They can teach respect for other living things.
Other physical and emotional needs fulfilled by pet ownership include:
– Physical activity
– Comfort contact
– Love, loyalty, and affection
– Experience with loss if a pet is lost or dies.
Source: The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 

Benefits to persons with disabilities.

Often, one major benefit of having a service dog is increased independence as the dog performs tasks that were formerly impossible for the persons with disabilities. A few examples follow:

– The person who uses a wheelchair can now retrieve dropped items without having to call an adult for help.
– The person with a hearing disability is alerted to the school bell signaling a class change.
– The person with a visual impairment can walk in the park without holding on to another person.
– This independence can be accompanied by an increase in self-esteem as the person no longer has to rely solely on other people.

Research has shown the general health benefits of companion animals are improved psychological well-being, facilitated learning and improved communication and a source of humor.

The service dog also becomes a constant companion for the persons with disabilities, and can facilitate the person’s social interaction with others. Too often a person with a disability is shunned by other and some adults who feel uncomfortable in the presence of a person with a disability. A service dog can be a great icebreaker, encouraging conversation and the formation of friendships.

The Gentle Barn –  Los Angeles

The Gentle Barn is home to over 170 animals rescued from severe abuse and neglect. We take in horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, peacocks, llamas, donkeys, dogs and cats who are too old, sick, or scared to be adopted by anyone else. We rehabilitate them with vet care, acupuncture, acupressure, ultrasound, massage therapy, water therapy, ice therapy, energetic healing, nutritional supplements and lots of love. Once they are healed and happy they help us heal and give hope to at risk, inner city and special needs kids. Through the interaction with the animals and the stories of the animals, the kids learn kindness, compassion and confidence and find themselves in the barnyard. The Gentle Barn is a circle of healing: we heal the animals, the animals heal the children, and the children grow up to be kinder to animals, each other and the earth.

We are grateful for your support! Read more here:

Child Rescue   CR-Supporter_Horiz_2017

Child Rescue is the New Zealand branch of Destiny Rescue International, an internationally recognised Christian non-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing children trapped in the sex trade. It’s vision is to rescue the sexually exploited and enslaved, restore the abused, protect the vulnerable, empower the poor and be a voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves. The not-for-profit is currently operating various programs in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Dominican Republic, India and an undisclosed location.

For More info Read More

C3 Church Outreach Projects:

Outreach Project South Auckland – New Zealand

The C3 South Auckland Outreach project is a new initiative where church members are working at building a relationship with vulnerable girls as young as 14 that are working the streets in South Auckland. The project is about introducing an extended family support network to these girls as an option to fall back upon when wishing to seek a better way. It involves building trust over the long term. The C3 Church team goes out one Friday night per month and does a BBQ for the girls, and is gradually working at creating a bond and trust in hope that they will turn to the Church when having no where else to go. See other projects C3 Church are involved with in our local New Zealand community and beyond:

The Princess Project – Cambodia

Introducing Ben & Cherie:

Ben and Chrie mcGonalge have been living and working as full-time missionaries since 2006. They, along with their two sons Malakai (5-yrs-old) and Jakin (2-yrs-old), spend most of their time in Cambodia. Through their local church they help feed the hungry, provide education, clothes and shelter for the poor, and reach out to the prisoner, the sick, the lost and the lonely.

“We are passionate about helping the little children we see walking the streets of Cambodia day & night, rummaging through rubbish bins hoping to find some recyclable items they can sell in order to buy food. We just can’t stand that they are hungry, scared, & alone on the streets… & while thinking about them God gave us a revelation: These children on the streets are targets. They are at very high risk of being molested, kidnapped & sold into the sex industry. We need to rescue them BEFORE they end up in a horrific situation. That day, God showed us we are in the business of PREVENTION.”

“Since God gave us that revelation, we have been hard at work rescuing kids. There is another organisation nearby that works with the boys on the streets, so we have ended up with lots of little girls in need of help. We call it our Princess Project: Rescuing the Most High King’s precious daughters. We are providing food, clothes, shelter, education, school supplies, medical aid”.  Read more here….