Universal Truths
An accord of Universally Held Truths relevant to all people, times and places that underpin all of our social agreements.
Visualise a world of grander awareness, where from a higher consciousness comes an accord of Universally Held Truths relevant to all people, times and places. Truths leading to Organising Principles which in turn underpin our local and global social agreements to most successfully and positively organise our world. An unshakable foundational base of law from which new commercial and political agreements become recognised as pathways to disarm, create peace, provide sustenance, hope and opportunity for all people of the world.
Universal Truths helping establish – A Successful Planet
Co-create this Vision
1. Let us know what a global Vision for Law would mean to you.
2. Submit what you believe to be Universal Truths, the important Organising Principles that would evolve from these Truths and then the subsequent Social Agreements that would materialise as a result (see lists of proposals below for a starting guide).
3. Create potential chains of ideas from these Truths, Organising Principles and Social Agreements:
For instance, consider these examples:
All life is sacred (Universal Truth), we all have a right to free, clean air and water (Organising Principle), these vital resources should be freely available to everybody (Social Agreement) ?
Love is essential (Universal Truth), in having our needs met we are all inherently good, justice should be based upon restorative principles (Organising Principles), that crime be treated by rehabilitation centres in which the more serious the crime the more intense the need for love, nurturing and the opportunity for responsibility to restore the individual to a fully functioning human being (social agreement) ?
Resource lists
– Potential Universal Truths (a foundation base of truth from which to form Organising Principles)
All life is sacred
Love is our essence
Love is essential
We are all spiritual beings
Consciousness is the ground of all being
We are all creators
All things in the Universe seek a natural state of balance and harmony
Nothing exist in isolation
– Potential Organising Principles (principles that would enable agreements to be formed and executed in global society). A world where all peoples needs are met by a cooperative social structure:
All people are family and the Earth is our home
We are all interdependent, with each one having self responsibility
All natural systems and organisms are interdependent -you cannot alter a part without altering the whole
All sentient beings (able to perceive and feel things) have varying degrees of feelings and emotions and have social needs
We all have a right to free, clean air and water
All people have unique gifts and special skills to offer
We all require the opportunity to be creative. We all need to have a purpose in life (higher purpose) and be involved in a creative process
As love is essential, society should therefore be based upon restorative justice
Every child has a natural desire to learn about themselves and the world around them
We all require access to on-going knowledge and learning
Happiness is a vital social requirement
We are all fundamentally good
When people’s basic needs are fulfilled they tend to act in socially constructive ways
In the absence of fear, and when within a state of security, people will naturally demonstrate compassion
We all need to feel included and to have opportunities to interact socially
We all require the freedom to explore our spirituality in our own way
We all have the right to freedom of expression with respect to the rights of others
That regardless of financial standing, individuals have equal rights and influence in society and political arenas
The success of a society is based upon the quality of life of the most vulnerable
Preservation of cultural diversity is vital to Earth’s societies
That legitimate ownership and control of vital resources be based on socially and environmentally responsible actions
We all have a right to adequate nutrition and the genetic code of all food resources
We all have exclusive rights to our own mind (R.O.M.- Right Of the Mind) and our personal thoughts
We all have exclusive rights to our personal DNA
All sentient beings should have exclusive rights to their DNA
– Potential Social Agreements (examples of agreed law that would enter global society).
What would these agreements be?
See examples above in chain of ideas.