Become a VFH Visionaire

Exercise your power to make a difference in the world by becoming a VFH Visionaire

“Capture the Vision and see how a powerful shift in global thinking, has the potential to create a tipping point, leading to the forming of A Successful Planet, which you will be a part of!”

You make the difference!

As a Visionaire you will play an active role in creating more peace, prosperity and joy in the world. Incredibly, by aspiring to commit to a sense of optimism and a willingness to be non-judgmental of yourself and others, You have the power to help positively affect the lives of 90,000 people by helping to elevate global consciousness!

How is this possible?

It is known that our thoughts create our reality. The research of Dr. David Hawkins shows that higher quality thoughts create more positive levels of energy and, more astonishingly, that high energy people counter balance the negative effect of low energy people, positively contributing to the collective consciousness of the planet! Be responsible for helping establish two milestone tipping points.

Counter balance

We calculate from Hawkins’ research that it only takes approximately 90,000 people who are willing to be optimistic and less judgmental to counter balance the global effects of Decrease consciousness. Thereafter, any extra number of people would effectively be elevating global consciousness.

To effect change in society, tipping points of 10% have been researched and are known to change the opinion and direction of society.

According to the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC), the tipping point is where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion, occurring when just 10 percent of the population adopts an unshakable belief, at which point such belief will always be adopted by the majority of society.

First tipping point milestone

Help us establish 99,000 VFH Visionaires, who as a global family support this campaign and its message

We propose first using a ‘consciousness tipping point’ of 10% beyond counter balance to create a catalyst which will set in motion a continual elevation of global consciousness.

Going by Dr Hawkins’ 90,000 to 1 leverage, approximately 90,000 positively focused people are needed to counter balance negative consciousness on the planet by 2023 (forecast approx.8 billion population). Therefore, another 9000 people (10% more people) contributing to this process would equate to 99,000 positively focused people; effectively creating a 10% elevation of global consciousness beyond counter balance.

The proposal being that this greater amount of positive global consciousness would then set in motion movement to a second traditional tipping point, where 10% of the global population (800,000,000 + people) actually believe that A Successful Planet is possible.

Second tipping point milestone

Help us achieve 800,000,000 VFH Visionaires.

Be a part of a socially manifested tipping point that will lead to ‘A Successful Planet’.

When 10% of the global population believe A Successful Planet is possible, a second tipping point will be created from which the world will begin its social / structural shift, evident through increasing peace, prosperity and joy.

Join the VFH global community and add your membership to the registration counter on the Visionaire barometer.

Become a VFH Visionaire

Sign up as a Visionaire, receive your personal certificate and receive email updates on Vision for Humanity news, initiatives and events. Follow us on Facebook for inspiring thoughts and actions.

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What you can do once you sign up as a VFH Visionaire

Develop greater levels of awareness and increasingly higher levels of positive energy by engaging your highest level tools of love, forgiveness, compassion, tolerance and integrity. Enjoy a more fulfilling daily life by helping
enrich, empower and inspire others – counter balancing the effects of negative thinking and destructive action to
experience a better world for yourself and others.

Enrich – use our universal equation as a powerful means to accelerate the creation of positive consciousness and ubiquitous healthy relationships. Be a dynamic and creative part of “A Successful Planet.”

Empower – yourself as a VFH Visionaire by regularly referring to the VFH site, particularly ‘What You Can Do’ (Visionaire Actions), of each Vision.

Inspire – be an active part of positively changing the world by sharing this essential VFH initiative with a friend now.

Vision for Humanity Initiative

1st tipping point – 99,000 people willing to help elevate global consciousness by becoming a VFH Visionaire.

2nd tipping point – 800,000,000 VFH Visionaires who unshakably believe ‘A Successful Planet’ is possible.