Global Elevation Indicator
Co-created policy and governance committed to holistically elevating the well-being of people’s lives globally
Visualise a world where happiness becomes a political agenda.
Where a Global Elevation Indicator (G.E.I.) measures the degree of its citizens mental and emotional well-being, social cohesion, knowledge base, physical vitality, environmental and financial prosperity. All of this is enabled by Integral Education, Visibility, Biomimic Economy, Biospherically Correct and Biofeelia.
A world where people vote directly on policy issues relevant to them locally, nationally and globally. True democracy where we, the people, co-create our own national constitutions (organising principles) derived from our accord of Universally Held Truths, and then contribute towards creating a unified Constitution of Humanity and the social agreements there of.
Constitutional systems nesting with other constitutional systems, all communicating with one another and sharing knowledge and information across their boundaries. In this new world, humanity has the opportunity to positively and collectively organize beyond nationalism.
A world where ‘the people’ are truly in power. A participatory democracy that strives to create opportunities for all of Earth’s Visionaires, ensuring equal rights and influence for all individuals in society regardless of financial standing.
Where people, empowered by Metamorphic Media, clearly understand their choices concerning societal issues, are able to distil a more authentic public opinion and therefore make meaningful contributions to decision-making.
This is a political culture of transparency, guided and protected by wisdom rich leaders who personally reflect, and therefore facilitate, the world in which we wish to live. In this world the success of our society is based upon the visibility of the minority and the quality of life of our most vulnerable.
A political climate in which we can succeed together in a way that acknowledges everyone.
Transcending all differences, and along side our Constitution of Humanity, a Vision for Humanity Treaty of Humanity fosters governance through unity and cooperation. A treaty declaring that we are all interdependent concerning: a state of peace, a world perspective on the environment, global food security, sustainablity of resources and pleasing natural aesthetics. This ensures our global security and intergenerational prosperity, significantly lifting our G.E.I.
This can only be done by acknowledging that a much greater level of human understanding, co-operation, and consensus concerning our ourselves and our biosphere, is inseparable from the magnificent future we all hold the potential to.
Global Elevation Indicator helping establish – A Successful Planet
Co-create this Vision with us: let us know what a global Vision for Politics would mean to you